Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Brown Noise and the Static

People were distracted. There was commotion towards the front of the stage. A drunk protester now took the attention away from a Presidential Candidate.
“Please ignore the brown noise and the static.” (static referring to radio static-when flying a plane)
The crowd went nuts. But more importantly, he re-asserted his "No Nonsense" attitude to the public. This got me thinking: "are Republicans and Democrats meant to hate each other? Last time I checked we were on the same side. When did disagreeing justify publicly embarrassing one another? Granted, their disagreement is on how to run the country, but is there no decency left in the world? Is this a part of what it means to be an American? To get what we want by any means possible? I don't think so, but I'm not sure I can ignore the brown noise and the static. It is everywhere! On commericals, on Fox, CNN. The First Amendment, in my opinion, is apart of what it means to be an American, and that is why nothing can be done about this. I guess we will have to rely on the decency of good people to do what is right.

1 comment:

Cristina Meehan said...

Interesting post!...just some counter thoughts to expand your argument..I do not think that Republicans and Democrats are suppose to hate each other. I personally feel like there is nothing you can truly believe in the world of politics but each politician is just trying to sell themselves to the most people. With this in mind I don't think you can base the decency of the world off of the disagreement of politicians. It is scary though to think politicians will do anything for that extra vote let it be through accusations or lies, and they are the ones at the end of the day who run our country. I mean we could focus on all the terrible aspects of politicians but I think politics also inspires our country and its citizens at times, because just for a little bit politicians in their campaigns create quintessential worlds and wanna be societies that they hypothetically wish to create in office. But all this is basicall centered about dreams for the future as LAWDAWG said one day and class...and we know how some dreams fail.