Monday, October 20, 2008

Tea Party, Anyone?

Rising gas prices. The Stock Market tanks. How much more can we take? Who is looking out for our interests?

No one.

Where else, in history, have we seen economies go from bad to worse, and then have a people rise up against the government? The people living in the years right before the American Revolution experienced some of the worst times in American history. There were taxes on everything, prices were high, the people were restless and they felt powerless; since no one seemed to represent their interests. We are going through a similar situation now. Gas is now roughly $3.40 per gallon, people have lost their retirement money leaving many to postpone comfortable retirements, and to make matters worse the Cubs are out of the World Series. Forget similar, we are are in a financially worse situation now. Granted, we don't have a king oppressing us, but many would consider George Bush to be ruling as such.
If one more thing happens, like Yellowstone erupting, or there is a pandemic disease outbreak, people will start to think that their government is not fit to represent them. I know a lot of people will shudder at this idea, but what do you think was going on in the minds of the English in 1776? I'm not saying it will happen, but if the economy takes another hit, or if we lose the war in the middle east, I'm sure some will say: " Well, this isn't working anymore...". I'm not saying there will be a coup, far from it, but what I am proposing is that if one more devastating thing happens to this country, there will be serious doubts about our form of government. After all, Adolf Hitler took power of Germany when they were crying out for new leadership. Lets just hope Barrack Obama or John McCain can bring us back to our former glory.

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