Sunday, November 9, 2008


This has been an eventful year for Trevians.

Rev. Meeks came to protest school funding, the stock market plummeted (which directly affects North Shore children), and the New Trier soccer team won the State Tournament. That's a big year for us, right?

However, this has been an even more eventful year for the world.

An African-American has been elected president. Just think, roughly 40 years ago, the civil rights movement swept over the United States, which eventually led to total equality throughout this country. Barack Obama even mentioned the story of Ann Nixon Cooper in his victory speech. She is 106 years young, and she cast her ballot last Tuesday. She was a woman who was around when African Americans were segregated, brutalized, and looked at as inferior. She is alive to see a fellow African American become president. Not too long ago, there was a hoopla over Ruby Bridges going to an all-white school. She is even alive to tell the tale. I guess the point I'm trying to make with this post is one of awe. I encourage you to take a step back, take a deep breath, and look at your life compared to that of 1965. Kinda puts the State Soccer Tournament into perspective, huh?

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