Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great (and Terrible) Expectations

Like most students during the "blog moratorium", I used my blog-free time following the inauguration of Barack Obama. I saw it with my own eyes, and then I looked around the room. Nothing had changed. The ground didn't quake, the sky didn't fall, and the country was still in an economic slump. The hype leading up to the inauguration was more ground breaking than the actual event. With the way I had read about it, seen news stories about it, and heard about it from friends, I expected many things from the inauguration. First of all, I expected someone to try to kill the new President. Don't get me wrong, I definitely DID NOT want that to happen, but I had heard from every news channel that the president was "beefing up" security because of death threats and suspicion. I learned that his limousine had 3 inches of steel covering the doors. I also learned that he wore a bullet proof vest when he delivered his acceptance speech, and that he spent millions more than any other president on security for his inauguration. Secondly, I expected that everything evil in America would disappear. In a way, President Obama fulfilled some of that expectation. He shut down Gitmo on his first day. It is a great start, but with the way the media had hyped him, he APPARENTLY should have cured cancer by now. I guess President Obama "transcends race" but he does not transcend his own humanity. Besides, he is only 12 days into the job. Personally, I'll give him 4 years to change the world.

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